The days of running a business by keeping tons of paper records are in the not-so-distant past. And childcare centers are finally catching up to this. The use of child care management software is on the rise in these centers, and it is simplifying the way daycares operate, manage documents and even how they interact with parents. According to the NAFC the problem most owners face is keeping records. technology has changed the way we live, but it has also changed that was businesses run, operate and maintain records.
Day Care App Benefits
In recent years, daycares and children centers have started adopting daycare software to help in managing their operations. And they are starting to realize that the benefits of these software systems extends beyond simplifying their record-keeping. In fact, everything from security, to parent communication is being affected by these systems. They help with staff hour reporting, children check-in and check-out as well as sending out tax receipts at the end of the year. It is in fact more than daycare owners and supervisors were expecting! This is especially true for the most advanced applications. One of the most advanced of these is Daycare Software – close-look.com. This system has brought new levels of ease of use and record management for childcare centres. It has also brought a way of managing the centers in a ways that save daycare supervisors time and money, which is why it is the considered by many to be the leading child care software system.
So what are some of the most important benefits and features of a world class preschool software. Here are the top 5 that most childcare managers look for.
1. Children Profile
Perhaps this is the most simple and yet most important feature. That is, having all the information that a teacher needs about the child in one easy-to-find location. In a single page, the childcare system provides the manager with everything she needs to know about the child. This includes parent information, contact details, as well as allergy and medical info. Having quick easy access to this page is of vital importance.
2. Daycare Check-In & Check-Out System
This impressive feature allows teachers to quickly check-in and check-out children as they arrive in the morning and leaving in the evening. Most importantly, the software keeps record of all check-in/check-out activity so a manager can know who checked in a child on a certain day and the exact time of the checkin. In a recent article, it was highlighted how using easy systems can help mothers of young children, even those who work for large companies such as amazon.
3. Staff Management & Hours
It should not be surprising that childcare supervisors have to manage and document their staff in addition to the children. Advanced children care apps have a place for managing staff contact details, record keeping, certifications, reminders and more. In addition, they can track staff hours by allowing staff to punch-in and punch-out thus keeping track of hours and helping produce payroll forms.
4. Reports
Owners always want to know details about their centers. These can include a plethora of data such as staff hours, children numbers, class attendance and more. And the best way to retrieve all this info is by having flexible reporting structure that allows them to get the data that they need when they need it.
5. Invoicing
While this is technically not one of the functions of managing children, it is still an important aspect of running a daycare business. Thus the ability to create and send invoices is and important feature for daycares.
As technology advancements make managing records easier, it is vital for childcare center owners to adopt them because they save time and money. It is increasingly becoming part of the daycare business plan. The owners who adopt these and use such systems have a marked advantage over those who do not use them.